AT3 21st Technology Presentations
Before AT3 students broke up for the Christmas break they were tasked to research and present a 21st Century technology of their choosing. As part of their Final Major Projects this will be assessed alongside a report and case study.
After confirming the chosen topics they were split into six categories (Information Technology; Material Technology; Micro/nano Technologies; Environmental Technologies; Manufacturing Technologies; and Urban-scale Technologies) to be delivered in six sessions across two days.
The presentations took place on 14th and 15th December with external experts attending the presentations to give students valuable feedback and hints for furthering their research. They were not assessing their work but described the day as, "… a crash course on cutting edge technologies in architectural technology…” and “…exactly what you expect an architectural technologist to know better than an architect…”. The presentations were directed to first year students who took part in the two days alternating between acting as a guest and forming part of the presentation panel.
On Monday 14th, Dr. Zulfikar Adamu was present. Zulfikar is a lecturer of Architectural Technology at Loughborough Univesrity with a long list of expertise that covers areas such as computer applications in the design and construction of buildings including: airflow modelling (ventilation and indoor air quality), building information modelling (BIM) and virtual and augmented reality applications.
The guest on Tuesday was Dr. Farid Fouchal who is a Senior Research Associate in Digital Construction and ICT for Energy Efficiency. Some of his areas of interest and expertise are Information and communication Technologies for Energy Efficiency; Advanced manufacturing technologies / Digital construction; Smart Technologies (Smart homes, Smart Cities, Smart appliances and Responsive building envelops); and Computer Aided Engineering.
Below is an example of the presentations delivered: