AT2 Semester 1 Final Presentation

Architectural Technology year 2 students presented their first semester final presentations on 11th of December.
Year 2 students have been assigned to work on a site located in the very heart of Northampton, the Market Square. They were to propose a multifunctional building which would encompass a Library, Cafe/Shop, Residential element and any other function they deemed necessary after gathering research.
Each student was to prepare two presentation boards and conduct a 5 minute presentation with 10 minute commentary from guest critics.
The project is a two semester project and the first semester was orientated around establishing a design proposal. Th second semester will mainly focus on developing the technical side of the project as well as resolving any unresolved design issues.
Below is a preview of the work produced:

Graham Theobald

Graham Theobald

Graham Theobold

Alexandra Vasilescu

Angel Athill

Angel Athill
We look forward to seeing completed projects by end of May 2016.
We would like to say special thank you to our guest critics:
Siobhan Barry – Manchester School of Architecture
Jim Mitchell – Bryden Wood Limited
Sabine Coady Schaebitz – CCBE, UON
Susan Jacobs – Senior Lecturer Interior Design, UON