Freshers Week Bridge Building
This years fresher’s week started with a joined task where Interior Design, Product Design and Architectural Technology students were given a task to create a bridge. The bridge had to span a distance of 3m whilst using only the given materials. The task was judged in two categories: The biggest load bearing bridge and the Aesthetically Best Bridge Design. Each group consisted of mix of students from each of the course.
Category: Biggest load bearing bridge
Bridge Squad 2k15 = 2.7kg
The Triangles = 2.5kg
Dimensions = 1.7kg
Random People = 900g
Terabithia = 0.0g
Category: Aesthetically Best Bridge Design
Thank you to Race Course administration and Northampton Borough council for allowing us to use the park for the event.

Group Photo

Team 'The Triangles' in building process

Testing day set-up

Team 'Terabithia' preparing for load testing

Bridge before testing