Freshers week bridge building
This years fresher’s week started with a joined task where Architectural Technology students were given a task to create a bridge. The brid

Freshers week
With the begging of the new year 3D department is eagerly waiting for arrival of new students. This year the department expects a total...

CIAT visiting Northampton students

Pavilion Gets Built
As part of the 1+2 dimensions exhibition, today the Architectural Technology year 1 students constructed a pavilion they had designed...

1+2 dimensions Exhibition
We are delighted to invite you all to our end-of-year exhibition held in the Avenue Campus Gallery! Our first- and second-year...

Degree Show 2016
On 9th June, the University of Northampton School of the Arts will be opening their end-of-year Degree Show, an exhibition that...

Xbox Games Night at Park Campus SU
Many thanks to AT2 for organising this event! Everyone needs a night off once in a while if you want to be proactive in your work ... So...

Manchester Trip 22/01/2016
Our trip to Manchester had a very early start with a lot of sleepy faces, luckily there was plenty of time to catch a few winks! We...

Subject Futures Week 2016
It's that time of the year when we open the doors of our School to many academia and Industry heavyweights from the world of...

AT3 21st Technology Presentations
Before AT3 students broke up for the Christmas break they were tasked to research and present a 21st Century technology of their...